I really, really loved this! So relatable to so many of my friends and amazing writing!

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Thank you so much, Surbhi for your encouragement ❤️

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Jul 6, 2020Liked by Dr. Pooja S.

Who are we? Good questions, Pooja. It's always important to think about it

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Thank you for liking the post, Ana! It’s a question we forget to ask ourselves, but need to time and time again. I hope you enjoyed reading 😊❤️

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The part about feeling powerful at finding your own voice and not being affected by others’ opinion especially resonates with me.

It’s great to hear that you are on the path to discovering your true, authentic self - indeed a big deal. I imagine we can then bring up our kids better direction, and a more assured sense of self.

As a mother it must be great to see your husband discover this drive for self-improvement, isn’t it? It’s admirable and a great quality for the child to imbibe.

You write very well - looking forward to future posts. This is one newsletter I’m going to open and read regularly.

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Thank you so much Harsh for your appreciation. You have accurately distilled the essence of what I was trying to convey and how our journey of self-discovery has a tremendous impact on our children too. I am glad you enjoyed what you read ❤️

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Jul 4, 2020Liked by Dr. Pooja S.

Very well written. Indeed this lockdown has taken you onto a path of self discovery. Definitely, a work in progress towards discovering the real you.

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Thank you for your appreciation! 😊Discovering the real me is going to be a lifelong process, as it is for all of us.

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Loving all your articles love such a breathe of fresh air! Love you always M😘

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